
Showing posts from March, 2023

Kate Whyles

A curator is expected to act as a thinker, a writer, a content producer, a manager of projects and, above all, a provocateur. Kate Whyles was a curator who currently works in digital technologies, working towards a Masters in computer science. She  studied foundation art and design at Nottingham college in 1997 where she attended the  Sensation  exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts London to change people's thoughts on art. S tudying at Nottingham College helped her gain a place at Fine Art BA (Hons) at Nottingham Trent University just as the BA/Britart movement of the 1990s was taking the art world by storm. Thus  secured a year's placement at the Royal Academy, where her mentor was Tracy Emin, and worked closely with Marc Quinn. Her practice was sculpture in resin. Which assisted with the preservation of " The Compete Marbles " collection. "These marble sculptures were made with traditional marble masons in Pietrasanta, Italy. They are partly inspired by the

Suzanne Golden

Suzzane Golden , originally from Merseyside, is a visual storyteller who communicates messages, emotions, narratives and information in a way that reaches viewers at a deep and lasting level. Which is delivered through rich visuals, recorded from the real world or created by visuals and visual thinkers. Since graduating in Fine Art at Leeds University in 1997, she has worked predominantly in the art business and within curatorial roles. She had recently revisited her practice and wanted to use her experiences of working in the art world to work on her practices. In 1995, at the age of 19, she travelled to the Middle East, like Israel, Egypt and Sinia, followed by Malaysia in 1996. 2 years later, in 1998, she moved back to London, she stayed with her sister for a little while in Lewisham before she got her first job at London transport in Isle of Dogs . Her first art-related job was working for a stabilisation unit London arts, in 1999, at the age of 23. Eventually moving on to work at

Diana Ali

Diana Ali is a visual artist, independent curator, FA lecturer and creative mentor who has loved art since childhood. Born in Rusholme, Manchester, she lived in Bangladesh from 2 years old, to 6 years old. When she was too young to go to school, she would play and create things with mud outside, her love for using the material would be used in her foundation degree, as it connects to her roots. Diana has a BA (Hons) Fine Art from Nottingham Trent University and a Master's in Contemporary Fine Art Curating/ Practice from Sheffield Hallam University. For her pieces of work, she would experiment with different types of media, digital, text and food. Whilst creating a piece of art called 'Spiced,' which is spices and foodstuffs on canvas by hand, you could smell it rather than see it up close. But once the use for the art was not needed, it could not be preserved, so it was left in the garden, and Ali took a picture of the process of the canvas turning back to white. 'Choco

Georgia Fry

Georgia Fry is an artist living in Nottingham, a "Jaqueline of all trades", her eloquence and intellectual speech elude her existence and she is left with a mass of vulgar forms and characters spanning concrete, paper, thread and film, a fan of creating wearable objects with embroidery and dying materials that show identity. At the age of 11, Fry moved to a small village in Spain, but she would realise that she would not be doing as well as she should until one of her teachers suggested an art school outside of the village, but soon dropped out as it did not work out, she liked working in her first year, but as the second year came around, she started to feel more overwhelmed. Despite feeling like she didn't fit in in Spain, she came back at the age of 18 after studying a foundation art course at Nottingham College, even though she disliked her final art piece.  Yet she enjoyed working with colours and patterns, making it look decorative, and different materials, but she

Raphael Daden

Raphael Daden, originally from Somerset, is a Nottingham/UK-based sculptor working mainly with light. At Loughborough College, he learnt how to create different things with unique forms of creation, such as casting and welding.  He started working with resin, acrylic, and glass while casting parts of the landscape reflecting the essence of the natural environment in urban spaces, he mainly started with wood in 2010.  He has been combining different materials with light for over ten years and has been working professionally on commissions. For example, his first commission  was a series of giant illuminated 'Cones' on West Street, Brighton, using translucent polyester resin, steel and light. The solution to thinking of what are the best materials to use for outdoor sculptures is to think of how the said sculpture would be maintained for as long as it is on display, such as resin and steel can make the final product look pristine for as long as it is properly maintained. His work