
Showing posts from November, 2023

Research - Politics And Identity

Political art is something that has a strong relationship between politics and the arts, especially between various kinds of art and power. And this has been the case across various geographies, cultures and periods. Throughout the history of mankind, one thing has been common in art, and that is there always have been some artists who have challenged the status quo when it comes to the political situation in their country. Some people say that politics is an art that either explicitly opposes or implicitly supports the status quo is political art. And this happens because different people have different views on what makes art political. But one generally acceptable definition that all agree with is that art can be said political if it portrays all the direct and indirect influences of politics on society. There are four major functions of political art - sociopolitical expression, propaganda, protest and satire. - Sociopolitical Expression : The artist tries to express concerns rega

Research - Abstraction and Process art

The term can be applied to art that is based on an object, figure or landscape, where forms have been simplified or schematic. It is also applied to art that uses forms, such as geometric shapes or gestural marks, which have no source at all in an external visual reality. Some artists of this abstraction movement have preferred terms such as non-objective art, but in practice, the word abstract is used across the board and the distinction between the two is not always obvious. It is the art that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality but instead uses shapes, colours, forms and gestural marks to achieve its effects. Abstract art became a well-known art form in the 20th century as it started to evolve in the 19th Century. It originally started in 1844 with the artistic industrial revolution. The Industrial Revolution brought great advances in engineering, which included the mechanisation of factories and the invention of the steam engine. JMW Turner was

Module pieces - Tracing The Land

Land art is made directly in the landscape by sculpting the land itself or by making structures in the landscape with natural materials. Land art, also known as earth art, was part of the wider conceptual art movement in the 1960s and 1970s. It was established by pioneering artists who investigated natural sites, alternative modes of artistic production, and ways to circumvent the commercial art system. Earth art, another phrase for land art, is an art technique that is made directly in the landscape, sculpting the land itself into earthworks or making structures in the landscape using natural materials such as rocks or twigs. Land art was part of the wider conceptual art movement in the 1960s and 1970s. The most famous land artwork is Robert Smithson’s Spiral Jetty of 1970, an earthwork built into the Great Salt Lake in the USA. Though some artists such as Smithson used mechanical earth-moving equipment to make their artworks, others made minimal and temporary interventions in the lan

Research - The Ordinary

When it comes to the ordinary in art, any artwork can be considered the first authentic example of an artist's piece. An original artwork would be the first version of a painting an artist creates, not any subsequent prints, reproductions, or imitations of the artwork. But ordinary art can also mean that ordinary everyday objects ( found objects ), such as things found around the house, such as a chair, can be used for composition to rearrange the ordinary to the extraordinary so that a viewer would look at the art and think that they could potentially replicate it, as art can be anything, such as a painting, sculpture, printmaking, drawing, decorative arts, photography, and installation. "A work of art in the visual arts is a physical two- or three-dimensional object that is professionally determined or otherwise considered to fulfil a primarily independent aesthetic function." - Wikipedia . An artist who uses everyday objects, or found objects, for their artwork is Liz