
Showing posts from May, 2023

Module pieces - emotions and colour

Squiggly frantic lines can represent feelings of uneasiness, such as the colour red can indicate an overwhelming sense of anger, or black can symbolise death and mystery among the viewers, as well as white symbolising life and purity. Blue can represent sadness whereas yellow represents happiness. There is an effect on some viewers and how they see colour as about 4% of the population could potentially have the rare sensory trait called synesthesia, where people "see" or associate letters and numbers with specific colours. The most common form of this is called grapheme-colour synesthesia . At the start of this project, I experimented with how emotion and colour can determine how a piece of art is made, solely thinking of how the colours can portray emotions. In the psychology of art , the relationship between art and emotion has newly been the subject of extensive study thanks to the intervention of esteemed art historian Alexander Nemerov. (Munch in an undated photo) Inspir